
by • Uploaded: May. 13 '08


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Description: My own design brand.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3027

Lets Discuss

786_mo May. 15 '08

Any comments would be good. Thanks

OcularInk May. 16 '08

The reason you may not be getting comments/feedback is because there are a few other logos on here that have the same thing going on - a bird perched up on the font. In being constructive, I'd say the bird and font don't really go together that well. Something about the grunge-ness of the bird with the clean round edges of the font doesn't work as well as it could. Have you tried using the Hoopoe bird in another way?

786_mo May. 17 '08

Thanks for the comment. This was my first go at the logo, not tired anything else. Will have a few more goes with it, and post them on here.

786_mo May. 18 '08

%5E No, just no. Nothing like it lol

OcularInk May. 18 '08

LOL @ Climax**I think Climax's reference is based on the 'hoo' letters in your company name and the similar font being used, and the color reference too. Perhaps different colors and a new type treatment?

THEArtistT Sep. 19 '08

ClimaxDesigns got it right. I like the bird treatment with the crest, but the font was bothering me. Once I read Climax Designs post, realization hit. There are other shades of orange if you love that color, but the font has got to go.


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