unicron breeders

by • Uploaded: Mar. 04 '14


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Description: Unicron breeders - web consultancy, mainly focused in web (Ruby on Rails= projects and iOS apps.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 11539
Tags: unicorn horn breed horseshoe

Lets Discuss

TravisHD Mar. 04 '14

Beautiful color theory and mark. I'm curious if this is supposed to be more than a unicorn? Is it supposed to be a letter or some double meaning? Even if not, it's great looking!

woelve Mar. 06 '14

So many colours (and they are fitting well!) and so nice execution!

7gone Mar. 11 '14

woelve - thanks:}
TravisHD - there are no double meaning, tanks:)

AuraRinoa Nov. 13 '17

I love this! Great minimal design.


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