by • Uploaded: Feb. 14 '08


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Description: The logo mark consists of 3 Japanese-style brush stroke elements, 1 long, 1 short and a dot to convey an image of both fish and eye minimalistically.
As seen on: Fisheye Pictures
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4034

Lets Discuss

gstaltig Feb. 14 '08

I like the overall look of those strokes, but I can't figure out where the fish is?%3Cbr%3EThe Font could look better

gstaltig Feb. 14 '08

wow! the website looks cool!

OcularInk Feb. 15 '08

I didn't see a fish or an eye, but either way the mark is very expressive. I see a person diving.

JayKay Feb. 15 '08

I saw a person diving too. Looking harder I can see the fish shape, the dot being the eye but the diving person was definitely the first impression and I wouldn't have noticed the fish if it wasn't for the name. Still looks awesome though :-)

Thomas Feb. 15 '08

Love your style... Very impressive and inspirating...


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