Xpression Media

by • Uploaded: Nov. 11 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08


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Description: Unused concept. Initially created for me but decided to go a different direction. Comments welcome.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 15102

Lets Discuss

logomotive Nov. 11 '08

looks like Boss man grabbed the wrong one LOL!

Kwaku Nov. 12 '08

logomotive: why ?

Type08 Nov. 12 '08

Very nice but why letter T?

jengfx Nov. 12 '08

it's not a T it's an X in the middle... i mean i see the T tho but it's all about the X

jengfx Nov. 12 '08

it's not a T it's an X in the middle... i mean i see the T tho but it's all about the X. i like the way it takes all the attention to the center exposing the X well done!

jengfx Nov. 12 '08

it's not a T it's an X in the middle... i mean i see the T tho but it's all about the X. i like the way it takes all the attention to the center exposing the X well done!and yes u could probably use a pixel shape M to do the same but i think you don't need it

jengfx Nov. 12 '08

it's not a T it's an X in the middle... i mean i see the T tho but it's all about the X. i like the way it takes all the attention to the center exposing the X well done! Yes u could probably use a pixel shape M to do the same but i think you don't need it

xm Nov. 12 '08

Truth be told, my last name starts with a T but I was really going after a very subtle spiral effect... the colors spiraling towards the X. I have a version with more shades to break up the T effect but it just seemed overly complicated. I have another version that some are liking better than this in which the stems are removed and abstract M's appear (m for media). Not sure which I prefer and so far the vote is divided.

Type08 Nov. 12 '08

The one with the M could be very interesting, that way you could cover both X and the M letters and leave no space for (further) questions... :)

xm Nov. 12 '08

Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback.

lucadolci Nov. 13 '08

Nice concept :)%0D*%0D*Ah someone have already copied your logo :(%0D*%0D*http://logotournament.com/contests/Tarrant%2520Pacific/by/OnMarz

xm Nov. 13 '08

@lucadolci: thanks for the heads up....

mattyv8 Nov. 13 '08

looks like the nazi logo a bit. danger

diez Nov. 14 '08

Very cool shape, congrats dude

innov8ional Nov. 20 '08

Great color selection and a clever way of constructing the X in the center negative.


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