
by • Uploaded: Sep. 15 '09


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Description: BRAND design + web DEVelopment + multimedIA = BRANDEVIA. Unused concept. Comments welcome!
As seen on: coming soon
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5182

Lets Discuss

logoboom Sep. 15 '09

Great name. And I like the mark too but the colors seem odd. Particularly the bottom 3...they look grayscale.

xm Sep. 15 '09

Thanks for the comments. **@ logoboom - Might be the dark background making the bottom three colors look grayscale but I can assure you that they aren't. They are different shades of purple, green, and blue.

xm Sep. 15 '09

I updated the bottom 3 colors a bit. Hopefully they look less grayscale. Thanks for the heads up logoboom.

Type08 Sep. 15 '09

It's a bit hard to read B from the mark (I think that was a concept, right?) but overall nice feel to it!

xm Sep. 15 '09

@Type08 - This evolved from a design that the %22B%22 was more evident but I didn't want to focus solely on a letter per se. I wanted it to encompass simplicity, creativity, colors, and statistics (achieving goals). This was the end result.


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