
by • Uploaded: Oct. 30 '07 - Gallerized: Oct. '07


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Description: Concept for new film co.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8458

Lets Discuss

admarcbart Oct. 30 '07

Alto...**Why not try and form the Q shape from the containing shape you have already created instead of just typography?**This will add a touch of uniqueness to the concept and you will still retain your alignment.

Art Machine Oct. 30 '07

I thought the same. Maybe give it a try Mel...

alto Oct. 31 '07

I will make revisions shortly and repost. Thanks for the creative input.

ahab Nov. 01 '07

The containing circle is very cool.

moverdrive Nov. 01 '07

The colors are great. Felt like a cruise ship over a film production company, but that's nitpicking...

ryantoyota Nov. 02 '07

I love the epic feel of this. I also love the pattern of the circular shape, and I think that modifying it to look like a Q would ruin it. Perhaps not.

logomotive Nov. 11 '07

Mel, I thought the same thing as the rest. I like this but I'm Still anxious to see the new version.

wanyax Dec. 13 '07

I agree with ryantoyota. The idea of modifying the enclosing circle into a Q is not a bad one. However, in my humble opinion, this design works fine just the way it is. Besides, modifying the circle into a Q is probably a subconscious reaction triggered by the thousands of designs we have seen over the years which employ the same method. It has almost become a standard. This design, however, has it's appeal in doing what we 'DON'T' expect.

wanyax Dec. 13 '07

By the way, I like the font you've chosen.

Fogra Feb. 28 '08

Hi Alto.*The colours are very rich. Well done. Is the font 'Americana'?

Chad Sanderson Nov. 19 '09

Very pretty! Although maybe it's because I'm new, but why do the number of floaters and actual displayed floats not add up? Is it just a glitch?

alto Nov. 20 '09

Chad, it's not a glitch%3B There used to be a %22sink%22 button next to float so if someone didn't like the logo (or just wanted to be mean) they would click sink and it would act as a negative vote. It would be nice to see old logos reflect the number of actual floats like they do today.


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