Logo proposal for a House/Electro club.
Unused proposal
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ReplyGreat job, Julian! Looks awesome!
ReplyThanks, man.
ReplyYeah really liked the presentation on behance, great job
ReplyThis is simple yet so well designed.*The background color is perfect.
ReplyVery impressive Behance presentation indeed.
ReplyVey good job, I love it
ReplyThanks a bunch, guys.
ReplyYes once again, very nice Behance presentation.
ReplyYour presentation really sells it,keep up the great work.
ReplyThanks Roy and Mike. Well, unfortunately it didn't sell it to the client. That goes for my other concept as well.*I just uploaded it %22here%22:
ReplyThis is now featured on the frontpage.
ReplyWell done, Art!
Replywow! good job
ReplyThanks guys
ReplyGreat presentation indeed. How did I miss this?
ReplyI love it.
ReplyAnd I love you for that Cris. Hehe.
ReplyI think this place is empty in the gallery, is indescribable.
ReplyLove it! Excellent BH presentation!
ReplyI appreciate it, Pierro and Michael.
ReplyAlways enjoyed this one on Behance Julian, nice work mate.
Replylove it, weird that I didn't comment it.
Replyartmicahine - nice letters**(Not directed to you ArtMachine as we go back more than 5 years)**ClimaxDesign - there's been this useless trend for the last couple of years of 'logo presentation' and 'design for designers' going on - a lot of back-patting really and sometimes an attempt to demonstrate expertise one should have and not prove - a lot of fluff to compensate for what is often a lack-luster logo. Also sometimes to show a perceived advantage over un-schooled designers. It get's it's share of oohs and ahhs from peers but I see zero client value / benefit. Only my opinion.
ReplyI think it is a valid sales technique at least %3B)
ReplyWhile I don't think these images are %22necessary%22 I *think they serve well as a more in-depth view of the details %26 anatomy of the design, especially in type-only work.
ReplyI completely agree with Raja. It is simply a trend on Behance and serves no real value or purpose except for the additional commendation of peers. As Tony said, nobody designs that way%3B they are mere afterthoughts. Anyone can design a logo then afterward throw pretty colored-lines around it to outline its shape. Who does that benefit?
ReplyAgree with Bojan and Anthony, it is not much more than a sales technique, and i really think it does work. I think it makes the client feel like they are dealing with someone %22educated%22 that knows good craftsmanship.
Replyha Julian..Love your sense of humor.:)
ReplyOh c'mon, David. I already commented on what my thoughts were above and since I noticed the amount of comments about the topic I thought I'd make a little joke.* __%22Why so serious?%22__ %3B)
ReplyYa David, he was poking fun at himself anyhow?
ReplyLol, apparently my joke cost me the gallery spot. Funny move, David.
ReplyI'd much rather see your humor than to hold back just for gallery. I'll just ponder over to your showcase to see it now :)
ReplyHaha Julian, sorry to see David remove this one. I got a nice chuckle from what you did :)
ReplyDavid, maybe you should have contacted Julian (ARTMACHINE)? before removing? and described why you might. I think Julian was just trying to lighten up the stuffy atmosphere here.
Reply%5E you already Do David, just a friendly suggestion.:)
ReplyHave a great weekend everybody. :)
ReplyU2 Julian, think I'll go hit the oxygen bar.
ReplyI popped in earlier... when the discussion was getting interesting... was looking forward to how it developed...**sad to see it went south as opposed to some really insiteful stuff...
Replypersonally, I take it further and convert the points into feet and build my logos with lumber to present to the client. :)
Replygosh, so much drama over plain four letters %3B) (that i am glad to see on fp again :)
ReplyHey, whose letters are plain here ?!*:D
Replyback on the circular theme... it is indeed an old skul way of constructing logos, made obsolete by proper usage of modern vector illustration software. As Raja mentioned, it ads that %22academic%22 tone and scares off unschooled designers :), while working towards adding more value and interest over those %22plain%22 letters in an untrained clients eyes. Again, valid sales technique.
ReplyMuggie %22(link)%22: mastered this discipline in his identity presentations imho...
ReplyI've been a fan of this one for a while. Nice to see it in the gallery.
ReplyNice result!
ReplySo you mean to tell me the Greeks got it wrong,the golden circle is just a big sale pitch, and all of natures geometric beauty is a con. I too once thought it was all pretty lines and designers getting a bit full of themselves, so I decided to study the reasoning behind it.*Everything that is perceived to have beauty has an underlining structure, be it a flower or the human face. Those who nock it have not taken the time to study it, do yourself a favor and take a closer look.*
ReplyIt would benefit the entire industry to have more blogs and posts on how to properly use the circular grid technique. It's a fantastic way to balance a design, be it a logo, poster, or any other form of visual commnication. If anyone else knows of any relevant posts/blogs on the topic, I'd be curious to see them.
Reply%5E I think %22how to properly use the circular grid technique.%22,and why it was created in the first place is the key here. Seen some presentations, where pure nonsense is thrown in.
Replyholy mother of god this does not do justice to the Behance treatment. i suggest everyone go see it. woooow. very disciplined approach. much appreciated. GREAT WORK!
ReplyI see some great logos on LP gall but this aint one. Wheres the idea? Nice piece of type though.
ReplyI'm still loving this wonderful piece of type.
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