Healt and Beauty Consulting

by • Uploaded: Feb. 25 '10


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Description: Logo for plastic surgery clinic
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2885

Lets Discuss

kathariney Feb. 25 '10

I believe you may play around with the shape of the flower. it's fine to be irregular for a natural feel, but there's something unbalanced about the mark. Also the two dangling pistil make the flower looks tired. Personally I think the font looks a bit cramped.

Bazyl Feb. 25 '10

Thanks, kathariney, great advice. But I must admit you completely shot me with that remark about tired flower :) I need to think it over and find a way to avoid that impression... Maybe I was inspired by natural look of an orchid too much... They indeed can look tired in a way... :) Anyway, I'll work on that flower. Thanks.


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