Naming and identity for a recruitment company focused on people in the food hygiene industry.
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I love simple just a couple of lines tell the story...*stunning very impressed....*easy to read*good colour
Replyfantabulous ............... Simply amazing....... awesome colorscheme
ReplyNice little leaf! How clever...
ReplyA little over used concept nowdays.*
ReplyI agree with smartinup, one leaf is better.
ReplyI agree too. Kill the leaf on the word %22clear%22. Have you considered making the background green and the word %22leaf%22 blue? It might convey a leaf quicker. Just a thought.
ReplyLove it! I never even noticed that the loop inside %22a%22 looking like a leaf! Great design. Also agree with smartinup and sdijock about removing the leaf on %22clear.%22
ReplyHi All, thanks very much for your comments! We did it a few years, back and the project never went ahead, which was a shame! I agree with the comments about removing the leaf from Clear, I think that works much better, so thanks!**It's really good getting feedback from other designers, who spot things we didn't!*
ReplyNice logo!
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