The Horse Constructions

by • Uploaded: May. 30 '13 - Gallerized: Jun. '13


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Description: A creative integration of Horse and a bulldozer!! Drop your feedback.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13885
Tags: branding logo bransense white

Lets Discuss

designabot May. 30 '13

Now that is one cracking concept!

contrast8 May. 31 '13

it took me a second to see. Awesome!

lumavine May. 31 '13

Such a great concept! I wonder if you could simplify it a bit. Try the bulldozer in solid black without the holding shape, and let the horse be negative space. Awesome idea.

mateoto Jun. 01 '13

i ike it very much! Clever! But im agree with lumavine.

logomotive Jun. 01 '13

^^ I third that idea. Great one.

Nitish Jun. 01 '13

Great concept. The name sounds a lil odd to me. Maybe the stallion construction...but i c that it is client work...:) just a thought.

firebrand Jun. 02 '13

Great idea! Agree with the above!

kumbariart Jun. 03 '13

Awesome, great concept mate!

vasvari Jun. 03 '13

It's a really smart and perfect work! Genius! Well done!

bransense Jun. 04 '13

Thanks for the comments mates. And about the comments, we made the bulldozer thingy a bit detailed and same outline style because we want people should stuck in the view of bulldozer for a while. :) They only want to see the horse after reading the text. :) This will work a bit differently. Thanks again all :)

herbert light Jun. 04 '13

I actually saw the horse first. It's a great concept but I also wonder about the shapes in block colour as opposed to lines...

lumavine Jun. 04 '13

Yes I saw the graphic as a double horse head, and only later did I see the backhoe. I think the changes I suggested would have exactly the effect you describe, making the backhoe more visible first and then horse appears in the negative space only after a closer look.

LittleGuyLogos Jun. 04 '13

Great design! Only a matter of time till it finds its way into logo collection books

THEArtistT Jun. 04 '13

I hope you keep it as is. If the logo ever needs to be teeny, you can then make the backhoe solid black as an alternate.

designerdan Jun. 05 '13

Saw the horse first, but not the bull dozer until you mentioned it. Great work.

Type and signs Jun. 07 '13

saw the bulldozer first, but not the horse until you mentioned it. Great work.

logomotive Jun. 07 '13

That's what makes this logo so great! I saw a Horse first,then saw the Bull Dozer. Winner winner chicken dinner. Still would like to see the above mentioned comments tried.

logomotive Jun. 07 '13

Just think it needs to be more SOLID!

Hayes Image Jun. 07 '13

^ Yeah line weight might be bit 'delicate' for the construction industry.

Dan. Jun. 08 '13

yeah, would be great to see a solid bulldozer/ negative space horse! brilliant concept!

balic Jun. 12 '13

I agree, brilliant!

bransense Oct. 04 '13

Thank you all for your comments and support. I've tried all versions like you suggested. But i didn't feel this perfect from any of that variations. Felt like something is missing in those. So I think this should go better like this. Once again, i really appreciate all those who had criticized and suggested the changes.
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pausedsn Jan. 13 '14


The way you managed to mix these two elements is awesome.


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