
by • Uploaded: Jun. 13 '10


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Description: Part of a series of logos for a nautical transportation company. Eros was the greek god of love, and in this case was used to signify love of the sea. The client wanted something graceful with a watery "vibe." I also included the letter 'E' as a bonus prize.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2477

Lets Discuss

zephyr Jun. 13 '10

This is sweet, Chad! I might make the bottom a bit more %22wavy%22 to make it more like water. Interested to see the text choice.

rudy hurtado Jun. 13 '10

Nice one Chad, I'd like to see the rest of them.

epsilon Jun. 13 '10

Very interesting, but beware of Sonic the Hedgehog references.

Chad Sanderson Jun. 13 '10

@zephyr- Thanks man, that's a good idea. I'll try to work that in.**@rudy-I appreciate Rudy.**@raja-You do me too much honor, my liege.**@ep-LOL. Hopefully nothing like that pops up.

sbj Jun. 13 '10

nice work chad.. like to see it with some font :)

Chad Sanderson Jun. 15 '10

Thans sbj, I'm working on it. :)


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