Oz Shop

by • Uploaded: May. 01 '07 - Gallerized: May. '07


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Description: Another oldie. This ones awhile back now. Probably around 97 or 98. Its for a gift and souvenir store specializing in anything Australian.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8233

Lets Discuss

nido May. 01 '07

dude i saw this %26 thought i had to comment on it its ssooo coool...**then i seen it was yours... lol**dude its really ccoooolll!

logomotive May. 01 '07

great koala with simple lines (sp?) that is a koala right?

nido May. 01 '07

it's a she-koala! what not sexy enough for you lol %3B)

logomotive May. 01 '07

ha ha sheeez so fine dude!

nido May. 01 '07

i think she likes you too! haha!

nido May. 01 '07


chanpion May. 01 '07

YEAAAAH MATE! GO REINA!!! GO KUYT!!!! Mate, great game!*Its gonna be a great final! Milan or ManUtd fellas?

chanpion May. 01 '07

Oh...and stop teasing my koala : )

nido May. 01 '07

she wants mike! cant help that! lol**%3B)

doc4 May. 07 '07

This is too perfect. :)

kaimere May. 11 '07

Hey Chanpion , just wondering if you knew about this http://www.logoklick.com/?p%3D69

chanpion May. 11 '07

Hey Mikey, thanks for the reference. So whos running the site do you know? Someone from here? It says n-design on the bottom but the site seems to be down and the intro page seems to be unfinished. Hmmm....interesting. Anyone else know about this site? Its also displaying other designers work from here as well.

kaimere May. 11 '07

nah no idea ... was hoping you might know ... only found it by accident ... quite a few of this sites logos on there ... wonder if climax knows ?

kaimere May. 11 '07

ps very nice logo

makote May. 21 '07

Loving it colors, and simplicity

gloomyle May. 22 '07

this stood out really like it

Konstantin_flatlux May. 25 '07

1) where a smile, a mouth. 2) it%7Bhe%7D very much longs! It is bad for advertising! 3) it is necessary to draw it%7Bhe%7D on thickness, it very much is loved by women, on under consciousness, Association of Lonely Parents and mothers :) %0D*%0D*RUS %0D*%0D*1) где уCBDBбCAа, рCEт. 2) CECD CEчеCDDC грустит! BDтCE CFCBCEхCE дCBDF реCACBаCCDB! 3) CDужCDCE егCE рисCEватDC CFCE тCECBще, DDтCE CEчеCDDC CBDEбDFт жеCDщиCDDB, CDа CFCEд сCEзCDаCDии, АссCEциациDF AEдиCDCECAих РCEдитеCBей и CCатерей :)

chanpion May. 25 '07

What the...!?**Dave, know anything about this dude? His profile has nothing to do with logos or designs. Just some spiel about apartments for rent.

Konstantin_flatlux May. 26 '07

The fop here you (chanpion) on criticism and advice%7Bcouncils%7D, it is necessary to react correctly!!! And my design look on www.makers.com.ua

brandsimplicity May. 27 '07

Oh,Im likin this.Great job!

trulywelsh May. 29 '07

their seems to be alot on google about the guy who owns that site (logoklick), or at least about the name given...%0D*http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl%3Den%26q%3DStipan Kopilovic%26meta%3D

trulywelsh May. 30 '07

by the way, love the logo. Its amazing!

chanpion May. 30 '07

Thank you all for everyones compliments. Its a shame that this store was bought out by a larger chain of souvenir stores and have replaced it with their identity.

nido May. 30 '07

its also a shame liverpool lost LOL%3B)

chanpion May. 30 '07

Oh man! did you have to bring that up : (**I was watching the game on a huge screen at a mates place and he supported Milan. Swear to god I nearly trashed his screen. He gave me heaps all day! All morning I kept screaming %22DON%22T LET KAKA TOUCH THE F**KING BALL!%22**Oh well...

chanpion May. 30 '07

Oh man! did you have to bring that up : (**I was watching the game on a huge screen at a mates place and he supported Milan. Swear to god I nearly trashed his screen. He gave me heaps all day! All morning I kept screaming %22DON%22T LET KAKA TOUCH THE F**KING BALL!%22**Oh well...**And congrats on becoming a LOGOPOND CENTURION. So what special powers do you have?

nido May. 30 '07

lol kaka didn touch the ball... milan were awfull... but thats the way it goes...**you mean additional 'special powers'... cant tell you%3B)


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