Phendra v1

by • Uploaded: May. 28 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: For a logo comp. Phendra is a consulting company that focuses on helping internet startup’s with online strategy for user growth. This initial version is Escher inspired and I was accused of 'stealing' this idea ( the comp's posting. I like to hear your thoughts.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7890

Lets Discuss

senterbrands May. 29 '07

This is much better! (Retracting my previous drunken statements!)

Craven91 May. 29 '07

My question is this: If you know that something similiar to this exists? Why design yours in the same fashion?%0D*%0D*Why not work towards something unique? Are you saying the other idea came after yours?

chanpion May. 29 '07

Look, no ill feelings towards you Bart. Like I said, it was more of a slap in the face comin from you thats all. If it was unintentional I'm cool with that. I can take any criticsm good or bad but when accused of 'stealing', that just boiled my blood abit. Like I said, your work is top notch and if it was said in an unsobered frame of mind, I think I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Cheers pal.**Now Craven, to answer your question simply, I DIDN%22T know there was something similar existed. I might have an ounce of feeling that the 'style' (Escher) light be around other designs but had I realised that the Paradox logo had incorporated the same style into the alphabet 'P', I gaurantee you I would have steered well clear of it. There was a progression to this design, not one that was drummed up instantly. Cheers mate.

mcdseven May. 29 '07

All this fussin and feudin...lets all hold hands and sing 'we are the world' altogether now.**Looks great Chan...but I think a better choice of typeface can be disrespect to Aldo. I just feel it doesnt belong to the mark..where a more swiss based style would.

chanpion May. 29 '07

Thanks Paul. Problem is, I can't sing to save my life %3B)**You're probably right about the type choice. I too have had enough of 'Aldo'. We'll see what happens. Thanks pal.

mcdseven May. 30 '07

No problems Chan (we'll put you on percussions)...having a look at your showcase, very, very impressive, you have some tasty work there. What ever happened in the end with Cummins Corp?

Art Machine May. 30 '07

An eye candy right here!**Way to go! %3B )

chanpion May. 30 '07

Thanks again Paul. In regards with Cumminscorp, since the pitch I have not heard from them yet but they did say it will take awhile. Will keep everyone updated as soon as I hear from them. Thanks for asking bro.**Thanks Art. Congrats on a marvellous showcase.

Art Machine May. 31 '07

Hey Chanp, I'm returning the compliment, I love your showcase, just beautiful.**Cheers

metico Jan. 28 '08

love this logo! The mark totally communicates the tagline. Great use of %22MC Escher%22 perspective. Great typography. Super impressive showcase! **Nice work Chanpion.

Art Machine Aug. 26 '11

Marvellous timing, David :D**

chanpion Aug. 26 '11

Gday Julian, hows things?**Timing? but thanks David.

logo design. Aug. 28 '11

Lol great logo.. Im totaly confused now.. How is it possible :)


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