This latter version has also been accused of stealing from: (
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hmmmm... i wouldnt care ... i see an esher esque execution a play on a theme but thats all, lol and the dudes that have accused ya, dont know the difference between paint and illustrator
Replyhmmmm interesting ... whoa , that came from a source i didnt expect .. quite suprised at that .... whoa
ReplySuprised Mikey? It was like a slap in the face for me dude.
Replywell we are a passionate lot :) **its what keeps us alive, wouldnt take it to heart ... maybe a jab at the ketchup site i think in humour
ReplyChanpion...I do apologize for the rude comment on my part. I should know better to look at logo sites that allow feedback when I have been drinking. But the META concept for Paradox was just released as a new 2007 Trend by****Since then there have been tons of designers trying to capitalize on the look and feel of MC Echer. I do however still believe that this is a fairly close interpitation of their mark and should be rethought like you did with you others posted. Which I happen to think is pure genius!
ReplyYou see buddy, I digested that completely without a hitch. But very honorable of you to defend the Logolounge and design ethics of plagiarism. Apology gladly accepted.
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