Freeman Angel Films

by • Uploaded: Aug. 18 '11


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Description: It was a WIP. But the brief has been changed. No angel references. Shame.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2358

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Aug. 18 '11

Long time no see Norm, how have you been?

chanpion Aug. 18 '11

Gday Josh! I'm not bad mate. Good to see 'Lobsterman' has still got it %3B-) Btw, I see some awesome new talent here, great to see. I'm abit rusty as I've been out of the game for a little while. Good to be back tho!

Hayes Image Aug. 18 '11

I try :D There is some great new kids coming through here, glad to see back, lookin' forward to seeing some more work :)

peg_ Nov. 02 '11

brilliant idea :)

Type and signs Feb. 01 '13

nice concept ... sorry client changed idea !!


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