Wild at Heart v2

by • Uploaded: Sep. 27 '07


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Description: WIP. Version 2 with some changes thanks to Logomotive.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3422

Lets Discuss

90degrees90 Sep. 27 '07

Love it!. Love the change from the old to this one. Good work Chanpion!

rambal Sep. 27 '07

I love this heart at wild.%0D*Best than previous.%0D*(Previous was good.)%0D*

logomotive Sep. 27 '07

O Yeah! I was a little worried it might not fly after my remark, but this balances out very nice. kudos bud,it's got lottsa style.

ryantoyota Sep. 27 '07

Nice, very nice. The only thing I'd personally try and tweak is to bring the %22eart%22 more inline with the %22H%22, as right now they kind of seem like two separate entities. Perhaps it's not really possible, but it might be worth a try.

firebrand Sep. 28 '07

Nice concept, Chan. Much prefer this heart, though I'm undecided which type treatment is better.

nido Sep. 28 '07

you are officialy second best after me now!.. its official.

Sordoff Sep. 29 '07

Well done, it's got a lot of style. A heart is not something to mess with ... what you obviously didn't. My approval all the way.

chanpion Sep. 30 '07

Thanks guys. I see what you mean ryan, I'll see if I can tie the both together more. Cheers.

sandhya Sep. 30 '07

I like your type treatment in this one a lot better, but I feel that the other image evokes a lot more emotions. Well maybe since I saw that one first, feeling like this is missing something.

Thomas Oct. 02 '07

Excellent work! Very impressive style.

raja Oct. 06 '07

awesome chan - I like this one the best

ahab Oct. 09 '07

Yup...Like this the best!

gbo Dec. 13 '07

Really nice, great colors too.

orissheol Oct. 05 '12

wow! this is great!


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