This is one and my favourite of many submissions for a design company.
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Clever Chan! Nice integration of the letter-forms into a pleasing and memorable icon! Going in my favorites!
ReplyVery nice Chanpion.This goes straight to my favs.
Replyhey chan... is this the one they went with in the end?... it was my favourite...
ReplyThis is a great concept, Chan.
ReplyThis is amazing :)))))))))))
Replybrilliant.. characters formation is excellent.%0D*I like this very much friend..
ReplyNice work Chanpion!
ReplyVerrrrry nice.....!
ReplyThat's a Crappie fish! %0D*Wow I'm jealous.
ReplyReally good job.
Replyi see a fish made from bandaids%AE
ReplyFunny I dont see any gauze pads in his letter-forms. :)
ReplyHaha, thanks bart and everyone! I wasn't abusing the fish, honest! @nido, I don't know bud, they didn't tell me which one they picked but they also feel this was the srongest one out of all of them. Cheers all.
ReplyExcellent, I really appreciate logos like this. Using the initials to make the mark isn't always easy to do, but when it works, it makes one great logo. Good job.
ReplySimple yet creatively integrative. Always the best way to go. Good Job
Replylol.... great work!*Add to my favorite!*
ReplyWOW! This is F*%26%25*ING great! *I love the mark...brilliant concept. It looked like a fish right away to me. And it wasn't hard at all to see the %22Y%22 or %22F%22.**Great one.
ReplyI love it!
ReplyStellar work, again. But why the Trebuchet....
ReplyFor some reason, this reminds me of yellowtail wine
Replyso clever, and beautifully executed!
ReplyNice Work Mate
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