
by • Uploaded: Jan. 12 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08


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Description: UndiesDrawer.com is a blog focusing on the male fashion underwear industry. 3rd Place Winner in the logodesignlove.com blog logo competition. http://www.logodesignlove.com/logo-design-love-awards-results
As seen on: undiesdrawer.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6630

Lets Discuss

logomotive Jan. 13 '08

the background IS a huge part of the branding here. I actually like it. The type seems a little redundant and boring compared to the concept/mark though.

artboy Jan. 14 '08

I like the concept but the type isn't making any great waves I'm afraid. Certainly needs some kerning at least (particularly on Drawer). I'm also unsure about the background but agree that it would be a big part of the branding with a bit of refining. Lot's of fun though!

OcularInk Jan. 15 '08

I agree with logomotive in regards to the background. The logo is great too. Good one, Darrel.


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