Wineshop on the 5th

by • Uploaded: Jun. 24 '08


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Description: 2007
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Viewed: 1935

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jun. 25 '08

Perhaps a leaf or two around the 5? This might sell the grape idea more. Clever though.

sdijock Jun. 25 '08

Nice logo. Just wondering if you explored taking out the top middle grape and shifting down the %225%22 so that the circular bottom half suggests the grape and the top part of the %225%22 can still suggest a vine. Of course, you'd have to downsize the %225%22 a bit and make it the same thickness of the grapes. Just a thought.

gthobbs Jun. 25 '08

Very nice. And I think skijock has a great idea. Would give it a greater level of creativity.

OcularInk Jun. 25 '08

Yes, what sdijock said. Fantastic idea!!

davidoff Jun. 25 '08

thanks sdjock, this is a really nice idea you have %3B-)


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