White Fox

by • Uploaded: Jan. 01 '16


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Description: Logo for Texas winery. You can view the logo identity / bottle packaging in the web link.
As seen on: client website is still in progress
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3559
Tags: animal moon fox

Lets Discuss

type and signs Jan. 03 '16

super like ! love it in black& white - good work!

ClimaxDesigns Jan. 03 '16

just thinking out loud here and i know this is a done deal but what do you think about making the moon abstract grapes like this: https://logopond.com/img/whitefox.jpg I just did that really quickly but you get the idea.

ClimaxDesigns Jan. 24 '16

has this cleared up design buddy? if not email me your username and password and send me what you were trying to post, it may simply be an 'illegal character' you are putting in that i need to fix how the comments handle.

DesignBuddy Feb. 03 '17

@ClimaxDesigns Thanks for the suggestion, though I prefer the simplicity of the design, and the client is already using the design.

Hopefully this reply will go through. For the longest time I've had problems leaving comments on this site. I can't even view the site in Chrome (even after clearing the cache). Very strange.

ClimaxDesigns Feb. 03 '17

yeah im struggling to find out what thats about different people cant see the site in different browsers :( i think its linked to the dns somehow, investigating now.


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