One City Logo

by • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '07


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Description: Logo for a Foundation called “One City” located in Cincinnati. Here's a snippet from their mission statement: “We are working to fight poverty, build confident kids, encourage meaningful careers, restore hope. We are working for true and meaningful life change”. I know they do a lot of good things with the impoverished and disadvantaged. They told me they needed the mark to work well with the “corporate crowd”, as that would be the primary target market for financial support. Personally I learned a new level of restraint during the process of this maintain the level of simplicity that was desired.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3595

Lets Discuss

webing Oct. 24 '07

I like it... have some problems to read black text over darkgreen background

rambal Oct. 24 '07

fountation is not visible. change into some other color.

DesignPhase Oct. 24 '07

Must be my flat-screen at shows up just fine on all of our work monitors??? But, I think I need to adjust the monitor to a darker setting because I'm now on my home mac now and I see what you mean...I'll tweak it in the morning. Thanks for the detail.


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