Knotty Collection Logo

by • Uploaded: Nov. 19 '07


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Description: A simple logomark developed for a San Francisco based, hand-made greeting card company. Their cards are noted for the use of string, twine or ribbon. These elements are tied around the spine of the card. They connect the string ends together with a knotted bow. I have used a knotted bow as the K and also added the Y-tail to mimick their overall card design concept.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2884

Lets Discuss

logomotive Nov. 19 '07

I really like this logo. the only thing that I feel needs improvement is the curves from the %22y%22 that wrap around and cross the 't's%22. it looks kind of %22kinky%22 and not as smooth as the connectors and rest of the type. But great look other than my little nit picks.

DesignPhase Nov. 19 '07

Thanks guys for the comments!


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