
by • Uploaded: Dec. 08 '10 - Gallerized: Dec. '10


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Description: dig and shovel in negative space
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 28117

Lets Discuss

deiv Dec. 08 '10

damn! today you're diggin' lp:D

Matto Dec. 08 '10

Yeah Deiv, I just have a lot of ideas now, but they all are without purpose. Strange thing that there is absolutely no orders at autumn and winter. This is the reason why I'm uploading my logos made just for fun now. :)

logomotive Dec. 08 '10

Nice!, one of the best digs I've seen. Have you tried squaring off the flared d and g? I think it's not needed here.

Matto Dec. 08 '10

Thank you for advice Mike, I'm glad you like it :)%0D*%0D*Updated.

deiv Dec. 08 '10

with or without orders, i'm glad that you are working, generating ideas and doing stuff like you say 'for fun'. we all see that you are still working and ready to have new orders. good luck there, mate! %3B)

JoePrince Dec. 08 '10

Something needs tweaking IMO, but concept is great Arnas. Maybe it doesn't look optically pleasing because of the drastic varying weight in the type...not sure if there's a proper solution to that though without impeding the clarity of the concept.

tickey Dec. 08 '10

wonderful concept, but do agree with Joe that it needs some tweaking. Waiting to see the revised version.

campfire Dec. 08 '10

This idea works perfectly imo. Clever thinking!

hertzpectiv Dec. 08 '10

Im diggin' this one.

ru_ferret Dec. 09 '10

Looks original Matto!

Mikeymike Dec. 09 '10

sweet idea there, matto! nice.

Matto Dec. 09 '10

A big thanks to all of you!%0D*%0D*Joe, I know what do you mean, but I still haven't find the solution which can fix that. If I make the handle/counter in the g bigger it looks much better. But then we don't have the shovel...

logomotive Dec. 09 '10

Matto, I agree with some of the comments regarding the width of the d compared to the g. maybe try making the d have more weight? I think since it's the first letter it can work.

logomotive Dec. 09 '10

Matto, I agree with some of the comments regarding the width of the d compared to the g. maybe try making the d have more weight? I think since it's the first letter it can work. It would be like a lowercase capital d if that makes sense.

logomotive Dec. 09 '10

In other words, maybe make the lobe of the d wider,leaving the stem of d the same width but might have to make it taller.

ethereal Dec. 09 '10

That's cool! I had a thought, feel free to ignore it, but it would be cool if the d and g were the same shape so that it was kind of a pseudo ambigram.

Matto Dec. 09 '10

Mike, I hope I understood you correctly, so here is some updates I've made. Does it look better?%0D*%0D*Sean, thank you for the suggestion, but the g looks like q then. I already tried it :)

ethereal Dec. 09 '10

Hey, Arnas. No, no, I was thinking you could use the g as the character (I should have said that). I actually tried this on my computer earlier. Take the g and rotate it 180 and then flip it to form the d. Now, if the d looks too much like a lower case %22a%22 you could then modify the top stroke some (and then mirroring that in the g). Make sense? Looked kind of cool.

Matto Dec. 10 '10

Yup, I've got it now Sean, but I'm still not sure. I just tried to make that d like g, but even I modify it in any case looks misleading. I mean similarity with a. Just don't like to include too much here. But thank you again Sean, I appreciate it :)

ethereal Dec. 10 '10

Ha, ha, sorry, just an idea! It's a nice funky quality right now, I like it.

vergad Dec. 14 '10

yeah, i'm loving this!

Mikeymike Dec. 15 '10

very clever. turned out great.

Chad Sanderson Dec. 15 '10

Nice approach to the shovel concept! Haven't seen one like this before.

Matto Dec. 15 '10

Thank you for your kind words :)

mh Dec. 15 '10

great work!*nice to see this in the gallery :)

bigoodis Dec. 15 '10

very nice work dude!

visualperception Dec. 16 '10

Great execution, love the simplicity and cleverness. Nice work.

Matto Dec. 16 '10

Thank you guys, you all are very kind!

monnay79 Dec. 16 '10

I %22DIG%22 IT!!!!

logotivity Dec. 17 '10

except it's a shovel and not a bone %5E**It's awesome work, great job!

matto Dec. 19 '10

Thanks to everyone

fosterbarker Dec. 20 '10

Was gonna say I dig it, but I'm pretty sure several folks beat me to it. Lets say...you've...'unearthed'...a...winner??? Ok lets not...great job!

Tømme Dec. 21 '10

Very clever mate, a true winner

sabb Jan. 05 '11

simple n attractive.

eitam Jan. 18 '11

smart, solid and beautiful

matto Jan. 23 '11

Thanks to everyone, I appreciate your comments.

hitbyreindeer Jun. 28 '11

this is a fine pice of design!

Dan. Nov. 24 '11

Excellent work.


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