Found Customer

by • Uploaded: Feb. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: FoundCustomer teaches small business and entrepreneurs how to utilize the latest Internet Marketing techniques to find customers.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 20791

Lets Discuss

kathariney Feb. 12 '10

I really like this one, except the color.

Petro Feb. 14 '10

Absolutely agree with kathariney. Colors are not expressive.

mabu Feb. 15 '10

Love the concept and execution, but I do agree that the colors could be freshened up a little.

hamidos Feb. 15 '10

wow, perfect concept, totally unique idea. can you play with the color more, lets see how it looks.

matto Feb. 16 '10

Thanks for all :)%0D*%0D*Updated with more bright colors. Maybe better now?

barryconvex Feb. 17 '10

I agree with the comments above, you need more contrast.

matto Feb. 17 '10

I think that puzzle details shouldn't be contrasted very much with each other, because detail (men in negative space) which is in the center can disappear.

kathariney Feb. 17 '10

somehow I still think the colour isn't quite right... maybe it's just too muted. I think the shape of the man is very prominent that even if you use a bolder colour scheme, or even in different colour, and drop the gradient, the man should still stand out. I could be wrong tho.

dotd420 Feb. 18 '10

concept is excellent


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