Half Loved

by • Uploaded: Aug. 15 '11


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Description: Logo Design-Half Loved
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3505

Lets Discuss

oski Aug. 15 '11

Nice concept, nice execution only one small detail which distract me from this beautiful mark and that is cut out partition of the %22A%22 I think this is not necessary and full %22A%22 will balance it better.

Ding-dong-design Aug. 15 '11

Thank you oski, that means alot. I kinda get what you are saying with the balance of the type. The reason why i did this was to get the impression of the type being half loved. If you get what i mean? Or do you feel the heart does the job?

oski Aug. 15 '11

I think heart does the job you can upload version with full %22A%22 and let see.

ColinTierney Aug. 15 '11

maybe a subtle highlight on the heart to indicate a glass with liquid? i really like how the outline of the heart and type match in weight.

pavel_kulinsky Aug. 16 '11

Interesting. Seems like blood donation)

Ding-dong-design Aug. 16 '11

At first i was going to make into a wine glass but then i changed my mind. Thats quite a good idea with the blood donation never thought about tht. Thank you both for your comments :)


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