
by • Uploaded: Jun. 10 '13


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Description: CricketWa is all about Cricket, and the term "wa" came from Bhojpuri (regional language of Uttar Pradesh, India), people in UP use term "wa" with many words (especially with noun), e.g.: CouponWa (Coupon), CodeWa (Code), SaketWa (Saket is a name of a person) and so on. So same way they have used Wa for their website based on Cricket, because the founder of this website is from UP. So we wanted the design to represent, Regional, National and Cricket.
As seen on: CricketWa
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2246
Tags: Modern Ball Blue Bhojpuri

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Jun. 18 '13

you just need to work on your curves a bit more. I personally like the flow of it.

Dzire2Dzine Jun. 19 '13

@THEArtistT Thanks for the suggestion :)

effendy Jun. 22 '13

Agreed with THEArtistT, You need to work on your curves. Could you please elaborate the concept of this mark ?

Dzire2Dzine Jun. 22 '13

@effendy We wanted the design to represent, Regional (UP), National (India) and Cricket. So here ball is representing as Cricket, color Blue in logo is representing as Indian cricket team and the Red Ticka is representing as UP.

And from the Red Ticka we are also trying to give it a feel of 'W' and that big curve as 'C'.


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