Amazing Lanes

by • Uploaded: May. 05 '10


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Status: Just for fun
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Lets Discuss

Gymbo May. 05 '10

I could picture that being an awesome sign for a bowling alley..

OcularInk May. 05 '10

Nice play with perspective and negative space. The subtle hidden A is a great touch.

alexanderspliid May. 05 '10

Great piece of work. True craftsmanship.

logomotive May. 05 '10

Bravo! ditch the lines in the Type.

ebrown May. 05 '10

Thanks Mike - Yeah I dropped the lines good call.**Thanks Adrian.

logomotive May. 05 '10

Welcome, ya know you could also do a version of type only using the negative spaces as Pins like you have here.

EBrown May. 05 '10

Thanks Sean.**@Mike i'm not sure that i'm seeing it. Would I lose the enclosure or the %22A%22 shape. I'll be messing around with it though.*

sbj May. 06 '10

really amazing...

logomotive May. 06 '10

Hi Eddie, was just thinking something like this But a Pin instead, where you would not see the very bottom of pin. The stripe would make the crossbar. Just a thought.

EBrown May. 06 '10

Thanks SBJ**Mike, yeah here it is like that. Looks good.

logomotive May. 06 '10

Yeah that looks good but the other was cool too. I thought you would just add another design. I think here you should eliminate the bottom part (red) of outline around pin and just let the natural negative space take shape. Less is More here in a big way. The perspective shows Lane. I would lose everything expect the A Lane shape and pin. But hey that's just what I would do.

logomotive May. 06 '10

Keep all you got just in case I'm wrong. But I'm thinking it could be epic and your client will love it.

logomotive May. 06 '10

Don't add subtract. Sorry I only obsesse of designs I see major potential in.

ethereal May. 06 '10

Yeah, where's the original? Ah, that's a shame.

EBrown May. 06 '10

Alright I updated this back to the original. An uploaded the other version. Unfortunately, no this was not for a client but maybe one day I could use it. *I was working on other work in illustrator an just got side tracked and came up with this and continued to play around with it.*Thanks for the comments and feedback appreciate it.

sbj May. 06 '10

still i luv it more than other one...

joeyburger May. 07 '10

nice work good stuff hotshot

EBrown May. 09 '10

Thanks again SBJ*Thanks Joey*

LogoFound Jun. 07 '10

The concept is put together very well, I could really see this being used as a logo for a bowling alley. Great work E Brown.

JoePrince Aug. 04 '10

Hey Eddie, I gotta say I was a huge fan of this one when you first uploaded it. IMO you've added too many elements and taken away from the simplicity and cleverness of the design.


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