Hands On America

by • Uploaded: Jun. 24 '10


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Lets Discuss

JoePrince Jun. 24 '10

I like it, but think the blue should be on the left instead...

iguana Jun. 24 '10

i don't like the %22thumb down%22 association i get from watching this

JoePrince Jun. 24 '10

%5EYeah good point.

EBrown Jun. 24 '10

Hmm. I guess it does sorta look like a thumbs down. I was going for a US shape thats why the blue is on the right, and the thumb n the tip of the blue shape form what would be a flag pole. I was going for a more of a reaching out and grabbing rather then a thumbs down though. *Thanks Joe %26 Milos for the comments. I could easily reflect it so the blue is back in its correct place.

JF Jun. 26 '10

You have a good idea here...except for the thumbs-down look. Saw that visually even before I read the comment regarding it. **Why not make the thumb the top part of the flagpole?

EBrown Jun. 27 '10

Thanks JF, I played around with it. Haven't actually tried to execute it like that. Might look strange all the stripes/fingers are red here so not sure if the thumb is blue n the rest are red how it would look. *Though, I made some changes to the mark to take away the thumbs down - will update soon.

nitish.b Jun. 27 '10

thumb down is usual associated with a closed fist...the hand looks like its going to grab on to something...i dont have any issues with the way the hand is placed...IMO...jus the nok on the right top (blue) looks out of place to me....I wont change the way the hand is placed...dig it.

ebrown Jun. 29 '10

Thanks Nitish glad you like it.

ponline Jul. 06 '10

i like it even with thumb down :)

ebrown Jul. 07 '10

Thanks ponline. changed/updated.

Sean Heisler Jan. 07 '11

Missed this, nice one, Eddie!

roy.sdesign Feb. 23 '11

Loved it ! Like your showcase.

ebrown Apr. 16 '11

Thanks again everybody.

Rokis Apr. 30 '11

This is fantastic!

vsevolod May. 22 '11

wooow! this idea is raely amazing!


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