JII:Joseph Thomas Maguire III

by • Uploaded: Sep. 06 '06 - Gallerized: Sep. '06


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Description: SELF ID - Initials + III, and historic looking serif for my interest in history.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 13950

Lets Discuss

Yglo Jun. 19 '07

Nice one. Reminds me of the Mansion logo on the Tottenham Hotspurs shirt.

s7even Jul. 01 '07

Nice mark. I can see why people are saying they read JII.. 1st glance at the thumb I actually took JM but thats just me I guess.. either way it begs for a 2nd look and would work just fine if your name appeared beside it.. most people like a little visual puzzle every now and then.. makes em feel all special when they %22get it%22

ducly Mar. 12 '08

Good looking out yo!


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