
by • Uploaded: Jan. 15 '09


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Description: Elephantik is a new branding studio based in Massachusetts. We're looking for new freelance clients and wanted to show off our new hand-crafted mark.
As seen on: http://elephantik.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2261

Lets Discuss

gyui Jan. 15 '09

i like it, clean but has character :)

itsgareth Jan. 15 '09

Nice but there is a square behind the type that is a different colour to the background, not sure you can see it on your current monitor collab??

elephantik Jan. 15 '09

Thankyou for noticing Gareth, I updated it. Yes my monitor is abit off color wise. Thanks for noticing.

kaimere Jan. 15 '09

Love it J has an air about it ... waiting for the font %3B)

brandcore Jan. 15 '09

nice one jm! good luck!

epsilon Jan. 15 '09

That's a great name, especially if you know a bit of Russian. **1. %22Phantik%22 is cute word that means a candy wrapper.*2. The %22-tik%22 suffix means a very small version of the word, so the name literaly means %22a tiny elephant%22, except Elephant is not a native Russian word, but pretty much everyone still knows what it means.**The logo itself reminds my of some recording company. Can't quite remember which one exactly though.*

elephantik Jan. 15 '09

My partner is Russian from Moscow. Thanks Epsilon.


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