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Dmitry Eskin

I was born in Primorye Territory (http://www.fegi.ru/PRIMORYE/GEOGR/dalneg.htm). Long studied (10 years - a floor of a life) and went in for sports. Studied at different schools, even has carried to grasp School of Managers (in Dalnegorsk) which on strange circumstances after our release became completely not interesting (as it seems to me). Then Vladivostok, University (http://www.dvgu.ru) and all the same sports which on the first rates began to be superseded by work in the different companies. I have worked as the yard keeper - I know as these are revenges a court yard, not having a good broom, tried myself the advertising agent, the manager on sale Outdoor networks, was at sources of the company which is engaged in weddings and holidays, tried myself in window business, was the expert in marketing and the deputy director in the large Russian company. Opened new retail, was engaged branding shops and redesign of firm style, worked brand manager in the glossy edition. And all this helps me to find now common language with different people. Both with yard keepers and with directors. I like to share and help people. I work more often for money, but there are people to whom I help because I have for this time.

At me wide experience in marketing, I am one of directors of studios and is ready to become your assistant and the adviser. Email me. I shall be glad to help you with an estimation of your firm style, a site. I shall be glad to dialogue with interesting, clever and professional partners.


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