Agenda 21

by • Uploaded: May. 27 '11


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Description: El Gobierno Municipal de la Isla Cozumel en coordinación con el sector privado contrataron a nuestra agencia para desarrollar la identidad de este importante proyecto que busca promover la sustentabilidad en el desarrollo de las próximas generaciones // Cozumel's mayor's office and non government organizations asked our agency to design the identity for this importan project, which promotes sustainability for the well-being of next generations.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3872

Lets Discuss

Simon™ May. 27 '11

Very clever. Also interesting colour palette.

Front: May. 27 '11

In addition we'd like to comment that the swallow is the symbol of the island. In Mayan language, Cozumel means %22Land of the Swallows%22 or %22Isla de las Golondrinas%22


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