Still in progress.. Ment to be the logo for a programm, which provides sport and social activities in a suburban neighbourhood near Leipzig/Germany...
Nothing set
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Ummmmm... is it just me or is what they are doing illegal in most states. Oh wait, it's Germany. Never mind.
ReplyUnderstood... heven%60t thought about it... : )
ReplyJust by the way... the neighbourhood is called Gruenau.. I probably should switch colours..
ReplyFuty, this one is the best so far, it's balanced, communicates %22M%22. But mostly, and unfortunately, it is the least offensive. Is there another way you can communicate the action, and relationship. Maybe by adding the right guy's back leg. you may clarify anatomy, and not muck up your simplicity. Maybe it makes it more %22G%22 at the same time.
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