Chicago Music Rental

by • Uploaded: Apr. 01 '09 - Gallerized: Apr. '09


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Description: Logo created in 2008 for high end music equipment rental company in Chicago, IL.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 19374

Lets Discuss

gool Apr. 02 '09

nice colour scheme.

tconrad Apr. 02 '09

I don't think rental needs to be bold. I think that the star does enough to differentiate the two. unless you want to emphasize rental over music i guess.**also reminds me a bit of the chicago olympics logo that wasn't used. i think its the gradient and skyline that does it.

fireside Apr. 03 '09

Yes, Rental was very important and needed to be emphasized. I'd like to see the Chicago Olympics logo you are referencing, just for kicks...although I am pretty sure true residents of Chi-Town will notice I took some creative liberties with the placements of buildings in the skyline.

felro Jul. 29 '09

I'm liking the font choice for this.

kannect Sep. 01 '09

Great, simply great.


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