Fireside Draft

by • Uploaded: Jun. 13 '09


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Description: Fireside is re-branding. We are going for a simpler image with fewer embellishments, we even want to lose the flame. Our hope is that a singular (square image) that could brand all of our many projects, styles, and promotions will be a smart move. What do you think??
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1081

Lets Discuss

iamthez Jun. 13 '09

A strong and solid, yet with a creative edge. That's the feeling i get from this logo. Good work.

fireside Jun. 14 '09

thanks iamthez, thats what we are going for. Anyone else?

nattiemon Jun. 14 '09

maybe you tried this but what if you made the i in side and upsidedown !... that give it a little more ...something... :) nice work though, i like it nice and clean

tass Jun. 15 '09

i like the way this looks! nice!


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