Steers restaurant

by • Uploaded: Mar. 01 '08


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Description: This is a logo designed for an American style restaurant/take-away.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 16582

Lets Discuss

tconrad Mar. 03 '08

I'm impressed with how well it reads... the fact it looks like a steer doesn't hurt.

gypseemoth Mar. 03 '08

It looks like the cow has feet as supposed to hooves. I wonder if it would look simpler without it. The first 's' is awesome (especially with the 't't next to it), but the bottom curve could use slightly more on a curve. *I'd also watch out with the overall kerning in the word 'restaurant', most specifically around the TAU %26 RAN groupings. Nice job

gypseemoth Mar. 03 '08

It looks like the cow has feet as supposed to hooves - perhaps tapering it could helpor removing them altogether. The first 's' is awesome (especially with the 't' next to it), but the bottom curve could use slightly more on a curve. *I'd also watch out with the overall kerning in the word 'restaurant', most specifically around the TAU %26 RAN groupings. Nice job

huyendesigner Apr. 05 '08

%5E___%5E it's impressive ! The first character look like ox's horns but not look like character S

Tømme Apr. 26 '09

nice work, great portfolio

fogra Apr. 26 '09

Thank you. I did this logo waaaay back in '92.

jeropp Dec. 21 '09

wow...this is nice

barryconvex Dec. 21 '09

It works as it is, but I think you can reduce it to two visible legs formed by an S. Likewise, one horn will do. The illustration would be more easily recognisable as a cow / an ox if you switched to negative colors.%0D*The weight seems a little heavy, but that%B4s a matter of taste.

barryconvex Dec. 21 '09

%22the weight of the font%22 was what I meant.


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