The socket's expression says it all =o
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
I am! Excellent!
ReplyYep, marvelous idea! Splendid indeed! Great job Sean!
ReplyHahha, nice interpretation foggy.
Replylove it!
ReplyThanks all. I promise that I'll upload a proper logo one of these days.
ReplyThis one is proper enough for me! :)
ReplyNice one. Fav'd!
ReplyGreat... well executed! I love it!
ReplyAbsolutely electrifying! I'm stunned. *Ok thank god I'm out of puns.
ReplyThanks for the plug.
ReplyI see we think a like Sean %3B-) I always saw a face in the plug also.**POWERFUL!
ReplyOh God, I didn't realise you had done a similar concept Mike :/
ReplyWell great minds think a like, kudos bro. Well electricuted.(sp?)
ReplyThanks. Pun of the Day!
Replyway too literal
Reply%5E which is main advantage of this design. I must say again that this delivers so much character with so little elements! Bravo!
ReplyLove the power of this!
Replylol excelente!
ReplyShocking%5Bly awesome%5D logo
ReplyI tried my hand at a plug-face-logo, but I spent like 2 minutes on it and it turned out mondo crappy. This looks phenomenal, I love it.
Replyshocked... Excellent one..
ReplyThis is exactly why little kids like sticking their fingers in electrical outlets. They see a tiny face! LOL Fantastic logo:)
Reply@nataliav: That was my intention.*@Tonfue: Lol. Thanks, I think :)*Thanks again to everybody.
ReplyGreat work faved
ReplyPretty cool!
ReplyIts really nice.
ReplyNice execution, Fogra. Sockets are different here in Northern Ireland but the idea is obvious to see. Keep it up.
ReplyThis blows my mind. So simple, yet so powerful. Genius...
Replyi laughed when i saw this mark - really nice work :D
ReplyI have seen this done before. though it was probably a photo for an ad. Cannot remember the company though.**nice
ReplyThanks everyone.
Replytotally innovated great excution
ReplyLove it!
Replyso cute! powerful... welldone mate.
Replythe mark is awesome Fogra, I just don't know about the type you used. The mark itself makes the type unnoticed.
ReplyWhat is this for?
ReplyIt's just for fun or for the craic as I usually say.
ReplyThis is super creative and unique, well done!%0D* :)
ReplyOh okay. Well its a nice observation. Outlets do look like that. But trying to think of how to apply it might be where the creative part comes in. Any thoughts?**I suppose anything that delivers surprising news about electricity may work. %22Surprise! Electricity is a renewable resource! Shocking.%22**With most things, I appreciate cleverness in application as with all things derived from observation the actual application is the real challenge, I'd love to see this logo get there.*Thanks for the post! :)
ReplyHow about a trendy contemporary high-end electronics store?
ReplyAr fheabhas! Saw loads of ur logos and was very excited when I found out ur from Mayo. LOVE this one, so cute
ReplyGo raibh maith agat (Thank you) :)
ReplyExcellent! Kinda cute as well :-)
ReplyWhy do you think my mind thought of this? because it had so much impact on me. This and your flower/guitar are my fave %3D)
ReplyThanks bud :)
ReplySuch an awesome design. I love your work!
ReplyNot very international, though, since the outlets look different in many parts of the world.
Reply@LogoMonitor: Thanks for the heads-up but are you blaming me or them?
Reply@LogoMonitor: Well Mr. Robert McGuire, (AKA, McGuire Design), just because I highlighted one of your logos as inspired from another logo doesn't mean you have the right to hide under a newly generated username account and try to discredit myself and other designers on here!
ReplyFunny he takes the time to point this logo out, but this one is totally legitimate in his eyes:**%22**Come on, Robert.
ReplyI don't know who is who anymore. If you gonna call someone out, show your face. BTW that logo is not even close IMO.
ReplyBit of a sly way of going about things and poor advert for Brandstack IMO.*Makes you wonder how many people are hiding behind these 'no logo' usernames specifically to attack other members.
Reply%22 Oh wow, Sean. He deleted the Brandstack account and the comment on the time logo now that he's been figured out. They really do think they are sly.
Reply*backs off amicably* :)
ReplySimply genius.
ReplyFogra thought you would just like to check this out :
ReplyYes, I am very aware of these sockets in existence on vector stock sites.
Reply%5E Cheers, David. I really only created this logo as a double entendre on an everyday object but I guess I don't need to explain myself.
ReplyNow available in hardware version *%22
Reply%5ECool site, Alex. Thanks for posting that.
Reply%5E Yes, thanks, Alex. Awesome!
ReplyYep, that's a great idea.
ReplyWOW! is all i have to say dude :)
Replyagree with climax. a fun logo don't see why everyone is getting all uppedy
ReplySean, one of the best logos on the pond!
ReplyYeah, fantastic work Sean :)
ReplyThanks people!
ReplyI never commented on this Sean but just want you to know that it is in my favs for a long time because I like it!
ReplyThanks mate. Same goes for your Port of Kinsale logo.
ReplyLOL! Very great!
ReplyBrilliant :)
Replysmart logo....nice :)
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