Murphrees & Associates

by • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '10


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Description: ©2010 Foster Barker Creative Inc. Design/Build Firm in Charleston. Incorporated 'M' & 'A' as compass and shadow.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5301

Lets Discuss

fosterbarker Oct. 25 '10

One of my first %22paying%22 jobs. I think it still holds up ok after 10 years.

firebrand Oct. 25 '10

Have you posted this elsewhere in that period?

fosterbarker Oct. 25 '10

Not me personally. To be honest I have always shied away from posting my work on forums...partly because I was paranoid of people ripping off ideas and also because I used to have serious anxiety about every piece I did. I've finally gotten over that fear...because the 'social media age' has taught me to share....Wait...what was the question? (JK) Why do you ask??

fosterbarker Nov. 01 '10

Updated for readability.

atomicvibe Nov. 18 '10

Hey Foster, I really like this. And I know this is 10-year-old client work, but I have a question: The client is Murphrees %26 Associates, so the initials would be MA. However, the placement of the drafting compass and shadow cause the viewer to read the initials as AM. Did you ever try a version in which the compass faces southeast, and the shadow casts northwest?

fosterbarker Nov. 18 '10

Thanks and once again I truly appreciate your comment. Regarding the shadow...I hear you loud and clear, and believe me, my initial sketches had it that way. However, once I brought it to the screen (and communicated with the client) it became clear that the focus needed to be on the compass 1st, then the letters second. The compass represents what they do, therefore it needed to be the main focus. I also found that putting the shadow first also weakened it there you have it!

atomicvibe Nov. 18 '10

Right on. Thanks for the explanation :)

Bernd May. 17 '11

very good design ... clever !!

fosterbarker May. 26 '11

Much appreciated, Bernd!


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