Nature protection organization
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nice as well, probably favour the other 1.
ReplyI definitely prefer the lioness to the lion. They do all the work anyway, might as well get some recognition finally. lol
Reply%5E HA true.
Replythis also looks very cool.
ReplyI really dig the illustration style on these - great work
Reply%5Eyou may need to back that up...
Replyhey vovy.. you just go and delete a cobra %22zoo%22 logo from your showcase?
Reply...right after someone had pointed it out as clipart?
Replyyuup - gal is totally great. no question he's legit :)
ReplyGal, great illustrators like Von Glitschka get ripped a lot too. It comes with the territory.
ReplyIt was downloaded 524 times. That's insane.
Replythats why I asked if there were any any camels, eagles and/or tigers too as it seems to me to be more of a %22style%22 rather than gal managed to find one image that matched his style and then ripped it.. which there would be no need for if you have the talent anyway (you would think)... however.. it's hard to trust anyone anymore...**im more interested in why vovy would call gal out and then delete a logo he had in his own showcase when amp called him out on that...
ReplyIts cool that every so often a mystery pups up on the pond, it makes me feel like Miss Marple trying to come up with my own conclusions, oddly enough i like it.
ReplyGreat logo Yuri :) I like it*Carried in Cruzine:
ReplyJust saw it here:
Hope it wasn\'t ripped off!! :S
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