GeekSlap - hand

by • Uploaded: Oct. 28 '12


Lets Discuss

GeekSlap Oct. 28 '12

I would love some critique guys lay it on thick :)

THEArtistT Oct. 28 '12

take off the shadow, take off the outlines, get a rounded version of the G and make the fingers the same width as the width of the stroke of the G, then revolve the fingers to the left so the thumb doesn\'t close the G.

GeekSlap Oct. 28 '12

What did you mean by take off the outline I did everything else I believe

THEArtistT Nov. 03 '12

there appears to be an outline around the fingers. that is probably the worst rounded G you could find. definitely don\'t want anything that looks hand drawn or italic, unless you change the fingers to the same style. you also still need to make the width of the stroke of the G the same width as the fingers. and the fingers shouldn\'t stick out past the G into the palm. the problem is this looks like you drew rounded lines and stuck them onto a bad G. you want the G and the \"fingers\" to look like they belong together. this does not look like it took any work at all. a good icon, depending how good and fast you are, takes hours, if not days, to develop.


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