by • Uploaded: Jan. 04 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08


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Description: Isle of Wight Beach Soccer contacted me to create this logo. http://www.iwbsa.com/
As seen on: http://www.dache.ch
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6703

Lets Discuss

KGB Jan. 04 '08

I bet that's tough to print on a business card

OcularInk Jan. 04 '08

This is nice, but I was thinking the same thing. What's the concept behind this one? All I see is another 'pretty' dache logo.

dache Jan. 04 '08

KGB: It worked out just perfectly.**OcularInk: Spectrum of colors creating white (Wight) in the shape of a beach soccer ball.

itsgareth Jan. 04 '08

This is way too colourful for the boring isle of wight! just kidding, I like it.

OcularInk Jan. 04 '08

@ Climax : Different printers will print differently. You can't guarantee an accurate color match every time by printing 4 color process.

KGB Jan. 04 '08

i'm just saying that screens of cmyk won't look as clean and crisp as solid, spot colors.*Do you have a photo of the business card? I'm not doubting the mark, I just raised the reproduction red flag.

OcularInk Jan. 04 '08

I'd be very interested to see the business cards as well.**@ smartinup %26 Climax : You guys made some good points. I'll just leave it at that. :-P

dache Jan. 08 '08

Very interesting debate. I will post some pics of the collateral on flickr when I have time :%5E)

dache Jan. 16 '08

Which is a good thing as it is not a soccer ball but a beach soccer ball.

dache Jan. 22 '08

No sarcasm there.*They are not the same thing climaxdesigns.

dache Jan. 22 '08

Client uses a specific type of ball. The balls you refer to are really old climaxdesigns.*Fifa is the reference : http://www.fifa.com/mm/photo/tournament/competition/ful411117035%255f27202%255ffull-lnd.jpg

drewboy Jan. 22 '08

i like this a lot, but why did you make the ball mark so jagged dache? i think it would read better if it was smooth...*

itsgareth Jan. 22 '08

your both wrong! they're are footballs and not %22soccer%22 balls! ha!


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