Old Harry

by • Uploaded: Dec. 26 '13 - Gallerized: Dec. '13


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Description: Based on the story of Harry Paye. A legendary smuggler, pirate, hero, villain and more. Old Harry Rocks are a formation of rocks in Dorset, England, named after him. Logo is for a brand of rum I'm working on.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 7186
Tags: illustrative medieval pirate harry

Lets Discuss

samdemastrie Dec. 29 '13

Cool illustration and I like that it's framed in a square. The unfortunate part for me is the hole in the lower-left hand corner.

herbert light Dec. 30 '13

Thanks for the comment Sam. The hole is actually negative space that represents the guys shoulder. If I extended the hatching down he wouldn't have a shoulder. Thought that might look weird. I can see what you're saying about the square not being complete but I thought with the rest of the image and the text beneath the square is still suggested. Would be interested to hear other feedback...

samdemastrie Dec. 30 '13

I understand what it is. I'm just wondering if there's a very subtle way to hint at the corner there without filling it in with hatching. Perhaps a line or two from his jacket like the other shoulder?

herbert light Dec. 31 '13

Cheers for the suggestion. I'll give it a go and see how it looks

herbert light Jan. 02 '14

Updated with a couple of shirt creases in the bottom left corner to complete square shape.


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