BeachGeek - "PowerPalm"

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '09


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Description: One of four concepts for BeachGeek, a small business and residential IT company who's services an upscale area near the beach.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1599

Lets Discuss

myco Jul. 22 '09

I attempted a similar idea (see the back end of my showcase here) but nothing came of it, and you've executed your version immeasurably more beautifully than I managed to. Congrats!

jwg Jul. 22 '09

I should have known that someone would have done something similar before... it's too good of an idea to resist! %3B) Thanks for the kind words.

OcularInk Jul. 23 '09

Finally, a clever and unique solution utilizing the power on symbol. Nice job, Josh.

jwg Jul. 24 '09

Thanks Kevin! I'm lovin' this concept, but I guess I'm a little bias... :P

logomotive Aug. 25 '09

Just pointing this one out, not sure if your aware.

jwg Aug. 28 '09

Nope, I wasn't aware. Good thing they are different, and mine is in use by a client. :) Thanks though.

JF Aug. 28 '09

Personally, I like your version better. :) May want to look into ways to safeguard your client against anything similar, though, in case someone thinks otherwise. :) Great execution on this one.


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