
by • Uploaded: Aug. 27 '07 - Gallerized: Sep. '07


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Description: I had one of those "aha" moments when this rough concept came together. With the acronym C.A.T., I wanted to create a graphic image that would clearly identify the organization without the need to spell out the name in all uses. The design won a Silver Award in the Summit Creative Awards. It is featured in the books “Killed Ideas, Vol. 1,″“Designing for the Greater Good," and “Letterhead and Logo Design 11.″
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 26283

Lets Discuss

kenneth diseño Aug. 31 '07

I like it!, clever image, no need for color...master Jeff!

OcularInk Sep. 01 '07

Brilliant concept, Jeff. It feels a little outdated to me though.

julianaduque Sep. 10 '07

Awesome logo. Simple and clear! Does NOT seem outdated, on the contrary, it seems like this one will live on through the passing trends.

AL Sep. 11 '07

Very nice. Hope you client likes it.

logoholik Sep. 12 '07

Nice concept. It is surely just a sketch, right Jeff? :) I would love to hear from you how your clients react on draft concepts, as i've learned to go extra mile and polish'em a little bit before sending. On the other hand, there are some educated clients out there i guess :)

cresk Sep. 16 '07

I'm curious about the client's reaction...

Sordoff Sep. 20 '07

well done, simple but layered. Will stand time as strongly as the swiss knife

bettina Mar. 20 '08

I like it ... very clever

dezinart Apr. 20 '09

Very nicely done! Great choice on the font as well.

wafretham Mar. 26 '10

LOVE this. How clever! Very clear and iconic. :)


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