Eugene University Music Association

by • Uploaded: Jan. 11 '07


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Description: One of my earliest professional logo design projects - designed pre-computer, in about 1979 while I was a student, for the Eugene University Music Association. The image was created on illustration board with a rapidiograph pen.
As seen on: Creative Latitude
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7819

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Jul. 16 '08

Man, I don't miss rapidiographs. Mine were always clogged. But I didn't hate those near as much as the ruling pen where you put the little drop of ink between the blades and adjusted with the screw. I through many of those out my dorm window.**I do miss cutting amberlith though :-)

firebrand Sep. 25 '08

Very Monty Pythonesque.


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