
by • Uploaded: Mar. 15 '07 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: Logo for the third restaurant venture of the owner. The oval is consistent in all company restaurant logos. The colors and tile motif come from the floor of the late 1800s building. The design appears in the books The Big Book of Logos 5 and 1000 Restaurant Bar & Cafe Graphics. It was also recognized with a 2007 American Graphic Design Award.
As seen on: bLog-oMotives
Status: Client work
Viewed: 11738

Lets Discuss

koodoz Mar. 29 '08

The colours and format immediately suggest a delicatessan to me. Very nice

YGD Mar. 30 '08

Ha cute name. Hope its kosher with a name like that... Looks perfect.

solomon11211 Apr. 07 '08

ha ha, Jewish name... cute.

morandini Jun. 19 '08

The logo is really great but BalaBoosta in portuguese sounds something like 'good shit', a bad expression you say when people do something wrong.


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