Division Street Watch Company

by • Uploaded: Sep. 06 '10 - Gallerized: Jul. '12


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Lets Discuss

elpuser Jul. 11 '12

pretty simple, but simplicity is best in design right?

Hayes Image Jul. 12 '12

I think it's great, I have no trouble envisioning it laser etched onto the back of a watch!!!

milou Jul. 12 '12

Yep, this is nice.

hyperborea Jul. 12 '12

Interesting to see something like this in gallery.

Obviously simple - its Garamond typed name of the business for goodness sake!

Probably manually kerned here and there, so is that the only thing that could be discussed about it?

I think there's one thing more that I consider as unusual approach to this kind of "firmwriting".

"Division Street" (the actual name of the company) appears like a tagline to "Watch Company"
(which should be business descriptor part of the logo).

That gives some hidden braveness to the whole thing, but...
on the other hand probably because of it went unused.

Division Streets owners probably wanted to give much more impact on the company name than on the business descriptor I guess.

Anyway, nice clean job, and these kind of logos are trending these days don't you think?

logomotive Jul. 12 '12

I also think the W is problematic!

logomotive Jul. 12 '12

If this had been for a liquor store for example,.. (Division Street Liquor)and made into signage ,it would probably have worked ok. If the name is "Division Street' Watch Co. then perhaps More focus on the name brand. Not too a whole lot of people looking for watches everyday. Just my 2 cents though.

ColinTierney Jul. 12 '12

didn't even think about that 'W' until now...my eye focusses right in immediately.

ClimaxDesigns Jul. 12 '12

"Obviously simple - its Garamond typed name of the business for goodness sake!"

If im being just a blunt and as honesst as I can be without being offensive... I'm so tired of comments like that, all i get all day is 'why aren't clean simplistic logos ever featured, why is the gallery filled with this type of logo or that type of logo, you know you will never get in the gallery with that type of logo its just this font typed out, ect, ect, I'm dammed if I do and damned if I dont with these types of logos.

And this by no means is me saying, dont speak your mind, I'm just getting confused as to what you all want to see in the gallery and how simple is too simple.

I stand by this inclusion, im working on a logo right now that I'm somewhat nervous with because its pretty much straight customized type and im not sure how the client will respond to a type only logo. I believe that if you can take a regular font, kern and lead it properly ect, then it can and should be able to work as a design solution.

We should not have to customize every single type piece we do, just because someone can recognize the type fast doesn't take away from the fact that this is a well executed piece. As far as emphasis on 'division street' vs 'watch company' who knows, we haven't see the brief...

johnboerckel Jul. 13 '12

Thanks for the feature! The client specifically requested "Watch Company" be dominant, with "Division Street" coming as secondary type. I myself was perplexed with the request and questioned it. Ultimately, this one didn't go much further and he went in a totally different direction. It's been a couple years since I worked on this, but from what I remember, this was right in line with a mood board that he had sent over. He called for type only, and for it to be elegant as he was selling some pretty pricey watches.

Anyway, thanks for the comments. David, a mixture of all types and styles of well designed logos should be in the gallery, so I think you're doing a fine job there.


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