by • Uploaded: Oct. 01 '08


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Description: Logo proposal for a podcast website with weekly episodes that provide commentary on current aviation news and events. Ideal listeners are 18-50 year-old males that love aviation and are interested in all aspects of the industry.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4282

Lets Discuss

echofactory Oct. 03 '08

The propeller / RSS feed symbol play is great. There might be some room for improvement in the position of the type.

axl May. 05 '09

this logo and te logo you created for are very similar. unless thosse tow sites are related, i dont think you should be selling the same idea to different clients. (i do like them, though i prefer the jim moon version)

JohnBoerckel May. 07 '09

Yeah, it was a reused idea. This was back when I participated in more competitions. They were proposals for these separate clients, but neither went for it...anyway, I made some edits and posted up for sale on IncSpring now. Thanks mate.


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