by • Uploaded: Jul. 14 '06 - Gallerized: Jul. '06


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Description: NOS it's an abbreviate of NOSOTROS (it works pretty much the same in spanish) and since we are a small (sometimes collaborative) agency, we deal with so many diverse clients and projects, so we couldn't just go for one color, we felt the logo had to reflect that diversity with different colors, a la Unilever. This is the brand who eventually evolved into SUM Agency when we merged with an US Agency.
As seen on: NOSOTROS Website
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 30249

Lets Discuss

nicolemarie May. 20 '08

Juanma, how do I contact you to work on projects for me? My email is Thanks.

creativebot Jan. 24 '09

Nice colors in your logo design.

nomas Jul. 02 '09

WOW!!!! i thibk is amazing! so easy to memorize and so good with colors and type... congrats great logo


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