I used an abstract "W" and "C" to create a wine glass Updated*
Work in progress
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anyone else see what I see?
Reply%5E yeah :%7C
Reply%5EIt's a nose, right?
ReplyAny suggestions that would take the mind away from seeing a butt while keeping the W? I have one where I have extended the glass to be taller %22butt%22 since I have seen the original my brain is stuck.
Reply%5E you can take W and make from it two glasses, although if you take angular W (as it is now in the name) - will be about champagne. Therefore it is necessary to slightly modify the form. As a variant :)(I hope that everything is clear, it looks a little obscene now...)
ReplyWhat about 2 glasses next to each other forming a W together?
ReplyThanks Type08 not a bad idea at all! I will have to play with that idea. In the mean time I decided to use the W as the wine swirling inside the glass I'm uploading it now...
Reply%5E%5Eyou guys see my comment?
Replybigoodis Sorry, don't know how I missed your comment! Ya the idea sounds great I am going to do some tweaking tonite and see where it takes me. I don't want to push too far away from where I am at now due to the client's positive feelings on it. I did come up with a slightly different idea for now please take a look and let me know if it is any better.
ReplyThanks for all the help guys!
ReplyI just thought some kind of breakdown in the system and comments are not displayed..:D *In fact, I suggested almost the same as Alen :)
ReplyYa you 2 are definitely on the same page!
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